Objectives of CITS


1. To develop the skills required to analyse a trade syllabus and to plan and organise   trade     training in practical skills and related instructions.
2. To provide training in the methods and applications of instruction for effective  learning of trade skills together with techniques of evaluating the work of trainees.
3. To design and administer criterion based tests.
4. To promote a sense of responsibility for the proper up-keep of the equipment, tools and other materials entrusted to the care of the instructor, and the ability to maintain and operate the system  of  record-keeping in practice.
5. To understand one’s deficiencies in the trade area (practical and the theoretical) and over-come their short-coming so that full technical competence is achieved.
6. To encourage an appreciation for the need to keep abreast with current development both in the techniques of his trade and methods of instruction.
7. To equip the instructor with an understanding of labour and management     
   relationship for preparing  his trainees for their  entry  and  progress into their new  

   careers in  industrial environment.

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